Research continues to yield promising results about the use of ketamine as a treatment for depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and PTSD. Beyond mood disorders, ketamine has also recently been used to effectively treat alcoholism, addiction and chronic pain. As potentially life-changing applications for this drug continue to be discovered – and as clinical trials continue to prove its viability as the most effective depression treatment available on the market – the negative stigma associated with ketamine is slowly slipping away.

However, another great hurdle remains: the high cost of ketamine infusions.

The average price of a ketamine infusion in the United States is between $400 and $800, and, until the FDA approves the use of ketamine as a treatment for depression, most insurance companies will not cover this cost. Currently, an isolation of the ketamine molecule has been fast-tracked for FDA approval. You can learn more about the status of these clinical trials here.

At Vitalitas, we offer the lowest price on ketamine infusions in the country, with each infusion costing $325. Patients typically receive 4 infusions over an initial 2-week period, after which they receive maintenance infusions, sublingual ketamine, or a combination of both in order to maintain the positive effects of their treatment for the long term. This, of course, adds up quickly, and the price tag is a deterrent to many people who might otherwise be great candidates for ketamine infusion therapy. However, those patients whose depressive symptoms have been effectively relieved through IV ketamine know that the investment is worthwhile. Additionally, we’ve found that the use of sublingual ketamine in the maintenance phase of treatment is an enormous cost-saver for our patients, which is why we include its use in our standard protocol.

If you think ketamine could help treat your depression or anxiety, but are concerned about the financial investment, it may be relieving to know that, after your first 2 infusions, you’ll know whether or not ketamine works for you. You are under no obligation to commit to any number of infusions, and, in fact, no reputable ketamine infusion clinic will ask you to do so.

Also, compared to the lifetime cost of antidepressant prescriptions – depending on your insurance coverage – you may find that ketamine infusions cost less.


Vitalitas Denver offers the most affordable ketamine infusions in the country. We are a highly-rated ketamine clinic employing expert anesthesiologists and medical professionals. If you have questions about ketamine for the treatment of depression, or would like to talk to us about how to get started, please contact us using the form below, or by calling (720) 724-8075.

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